DOE Funds R&D for Energy-Efficient Mfg.

Nov. 8, 2006

The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Industrial Technologies Program (ITP, awarded $14.1 million in funding for six projects that propose to develop new materials to improve energy efficiency in

The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Industrial Technologies Program (ITP, awarded $14.1 million in funding for six projects that propose to develop new materials to improve energy efficiency in U.S. manufacturing plants. As part of an effort to partner with industry to conduct R&D in technologies that meet industrial energy efficiency challenges, the funded projects aim to generate energy savings of 93 trillion Btu by 2020.

According to ITP, four projects specifically focus on process sensors, ultra-hard materials, membranes, refractories, and advanced nanoporous thermal insulation for chemical industry applications. Three of the projects target innovations in reactions and separations processes, and the fourth project will focus on improving technologies and systems that transport energy to and from the chemical process

For more information on this funding program, click here.

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